F.C.H.S. Robotics Competition!!!

Here is a competition that a friend and i came up with. we worked out the kinks and developed a point system, as well as a course, and our school (Faith Christian High School) competed against another school (Conifer), in an all out Vex Challenge! The goal was to manuever through a maze atonamously, and then switch into RC by hitting a wire 10 inches above the course. It was awesome, metal was flying, and the robots battled endlessly to the death! Here are some pics of the competition. More photos will be coming, and maybe a few video clips as well.

If you would like the rules for the competition, as well as a course design, email me at:

[email protected]

i’ll try to get the info back to you as soon as possible!

here are the pictures:





















sounds cool but non of your attachments work for me.


yeah same thing here none of the attachments are working.

same here:p :frowning: