
The little red one? It was indeed crazy efficiant and also unique.
The autonomous for it was really good too - I was impressed.

(although the autonomous for team 3148 was good too, haha)

yeah it was! lol

It was very good, i have to agree, but at the end it should have backed out of the goal, because the balls it was touching didn’t count.

the little red bot had the most amazing autonomous!!! how percise wverything had to be for it to work…
now that i think about it i only saw it run perfectly like twice.

but thats not the bot i was talking about…
the one i was talking about was just a plow…a really fast plow.
ill try to get the team #

Hm, I think I remember which one your talking about…
Was it one of the (or the) fastest bots on the field? Because I remember one that was extremely fast but also very simple having just a plow.

Does anyone know what the highest score any team rec’d during the qualification and/or elimination rounds?

I recall seeing a 60 or 61, I think.

ya MH thats probably the one im talkin about.

and BillW…
i think the highest score was the final, finals match which was 63 if im correct
by teams 3148, 3013, 3317, the gar-field teams fight club and gears of war more specificlly

Heres a picture of the final score for the last match:

Photo supplied by Luke Hejnar

Spotsy Bots our robot was number 3196 the very tiny robot with the large plow. The total number of softballs that would fit in the low goal was 22. We actually placed them by hand to find the highest score possible by only scoring low goals without stacking them. Our only problem was ride height and it was difficult to get on the platform. We thought the atlas ball would be a problem but with our redesigned drivetrain design we were able to control it with incredible ease. The scrimmage at Gar-Field should be awesome now that everyone knows what it takes to win.
Driver team #3196

I’m so glad your coming to Gar-Field for the scrimmage! It’s going to be a lot of fun! :slight_smile:

Spotsy, and anyone else who got to use the practice field we took to Battlefield, Gar-Field and McKinley… Mr Hejnar, Mr Convery and I are curious what kind of return we might have gotten (so far) on the investment of building it and hauling it around. Did having a chance to use it change what you built, or how you operated it? Any specifics you could name (either way) would be valuable feedback.

we faced your team in the quarterfinals…
ya 1st match…14 balls in the low goal
2nd match…20…wow
that really amazed me
i hope to see you guys again at the gar-field scrimmage!!!


Oh yeah, everyone ought to come to our scrimmage in january!

At gar-field, i would have loved to have more time with it, so that i could program autonomous and try it out. But it was very very useful, from a visual aspect so we were more prepared, although it did not chnage anything we were already doing. We did use it for demonstrations during lunch shifts and at a parent meeting that night, which was very cool, and got people and parents interested.

do u have any pics or videos of the comp:D

i should have some videos soon…
along with pics. but if anyone else has any i would really appriciate it also if you were to post it.


Yea the robot mentioned in the above qoute was #3196 Spotsy Bots I was the driver for the team and I was complimented on my driving many times our problem was that it was a little too fast for some of the more technical driving I had to do. Even though we lost in the Semi-Finals I learned a lot about driving and I can’t wait for the next scrimmage.

Using the feild at the scrimmage did change the way our robot was built we had to rebuild the front end because we had trouble getting back over the dowel in the low goals. after seeing the problem continuosly we were able to build a more efficient robot. There was some interest at one of our meetings about using the practice field. I’ll have our mentor send you a message if there is more interest.

what do you people think was the best robot…
not rank wise but like design wise.

i really liked vexy things robot. i didnt get to see it up close but from what i saw in the quarterfinals it was a good design.

i also really liked team 116, the nasa teams bot. they had a really abitious design but i nevery really say it perform.

tell us what u think!!


No offense to Bill W, but the Vexy Things’ robot was not very effective to my concern. I only saw them “surviving” each round, because as you could see, their ranking was not good. But I thought that Garfield’s robot was a cool design and worked super effective with the high goals and could get on the platform, but could not push the atlas ball around most effectively, nor use the low goals. They were able to control the atlas ball good when the ball was still or in little motion. I was very dissapointed in the origionality in most robots, THEY WERE JUST A BLOCK with no power, speed, manauverablity, or goal scoring skills, big thumbs down. I think that me and Tmaxxguy will agree that we were really expecting some high tech plows at the big competition, espectially after we blew everybody away at the scrimmage.(sorry for the lot of writing)

woooo gamer freek…
our bot was a big box…
in qualifying we were 2-1-0
and out of our 6 matches we scored 6 points in every autonomous except for 2 and we still scored 3 on those.
and im pretty sure we only lost 1 autonomous mode.

and along with another bot there that was just like us. they scored 6 points in autonomous mode very consistantly.

so i totally disagree when you say we were JUST A BIG BLOCK…