Choose from most loved list or tell us yo own.
its a toss up between Dirty Jobs and Mythbusters
For me it is a tie between Dirty Jobs and Mythbusters also
House is my favorite, although I will never miss out on a Mythbusters, or the show right after it, Future Weapons!
I know I responded to this Poll and Thread yesterday, but my response is “missing”…
Is anyone else experencing any “weird” postings and missing messages??
Stargate SG-1
Specifically, the Zatnikitel…hey, my nick everywhere else is Zatnikitelman, go figure.
Mythbusters are awsome!
That happened to me also, but in my case…
It created duplicates of threads…
One, I had responded to, one I hadn’t…
Mythbusters All The Way!!!
Hmm… Is there some connection between using vex and loving mythbusters…?
Go mithbusters,Go mithbusters,Go mithbusters,Go mithbusters,Go mithbusters
dude you spelled it wrong:rolleyes:
mythbusters, dirty jobs, simpsons , monk , scrubs , rob and big , runs house ,pimp my ride, fresh prince , and a bunch more
Definitely House. I like Mythbusters too but I don’t have cable or satellite so I can’t watch it.