One of the motors of the robot said it needed an update on motor 1. I downloaded the VEXos Utility and installed it on the laptop. After running it, it said it needed to update the micro. After updating the micro, the ports 1 (motor), 2 (motor) ,3 (led switch) appear with a red ?, ports 4, 5 green (bumper switch), 6 blank (empty), 7, 8, 9 on yellow (motors), 10, 11 green (bumpers), 12 yellow (motor) and the controller on yellow.
After installing the VEXos2.0.1 the controller the controller is now green, but ports 1-3 are still red and the motors (7,8,9,12) remain yellow. I keep installing the VEXos2.0.1, but the motors are never upgraded (they remain yellow) and the ports 1,2,3 remain in red without recognizing the motor and sensor.
Whenever you see the question marks, disconnect everything and update the devices one-by-one using the port 1.
Whenever a device needs an update, it blocks device enumeration on the whole port triplet, so in case you have, say, Color Sensor in firmware update mode in port 11, the brain would complain about port 10, yet it won’t see the actual devices in ports 10 and 12.
I performed the recommended steps. I removed the cables from ports 1-3 and was able to update the motors on 7,8,9,12. Then I started to reconnect the motors and sensors on ports 1-3, one by one… I was able to update one of the motors, but the second one everytime I connect it the ports 1-3 turns red. I verified the motor on device info and that motor is been detected by the micro as a bumper.
It is rather strange. I’m going to tell the kids to replace it for another motor tomorrow.
Sorry about the issue you are seeing. You should be able to recover the motor that is giving you the red “?” icons by following these steps:
Unplug all devices from the brain.
Plug the motor with the issue into port 1.
3 Power on the brain and connect the brain via USB to a PC with the VEXos Utility running.
Once the VEXos Utility displays the red “?” icons, right click on port1 and select “Fix Issue”. This will display a warning dialog to make sure you don’t have anything plugged into ports 2 and 3
Click "Yes on the popup.
This will download the latest firmware to the motor and should resolve your issue.
Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other issues.