FREE! learn html! comes with a popup window editor!!!

FREE! learn html! comes with a popup window editor!!!

popup html edit = Tools>Html Editor

Click here to go to my site for the leran html!

The link doesn’t work!

yea, me too I got the cannot access thiss site meassage!
can you fix it?:confused:

Well, I have Known a alternate (not my site that has taught me ALL of the codes!)

That site worked quite well [for me. :slight_smile:

The key word there was “ALL”. Through w3schools, I learned (X)HTML, CSS, XML/XSL, Javascript, PHP, mySQL quering, and AJAX.](

Yeah…i have learned most of the languages.

lol…u put all of your sites, and schools stuff links on ‘That site worked quite well for me’…haha!