FTC 546 - 11 rings in 30 seconds

Here is a video of our 2007/2008 FTC robot. We will be debuting it at the Arizona regional in 3 days.

*]12 wheel drive
*]6 drive motors
*]4-bar linkage
*]Can hold 12 rings
*]Can grab and move goals
*]16 lbs and 8 traction wheels… we aren’t going anywhere (when scoring)!
*]End wheels lifted for pushing power and better turning radius
*]Moves fast :slight_smile:
Can’t wait to see all the AZ teams at Carl Hayden!
(Comments and/or questions welcome)

GREAT JOB… your robot is the best i hae seen. or design is like the opposite of yours. and great touch releasing the vid 3 days b4 the comp. teams will be afraid to face u guys

glad im not at the arizona regional, BTW how many parts did you guys use? obivously a lot i guess

Thats better then I thought that idea could work. Thanks for showing how effective it is! Only one weakness I can see but I am not saying anything. :smiley:

Good job guys!

I forgot to mention that we can score [even better] on the high goals (although with 12 rings we have to score and then go to the next high goal and cap that one). Also, we can simply knock the standing rings over by driving backwards at them!

That is totally awesome! When you are finished, please post some close-ups. It won’t help in our event, but sure looks impressive.
Great job!

You’ve got to be freaking kidding me…

By the way, this video was taken during today’s meeting. We used today to create a somewhat feasible autonomous mode that scores rings on the high/low goals and then moves them to our side of the field.

Here’s the video

thats a good autonomous but u do realize u wont be able to come from thatn angle oh the high goal.

Yea, but it is hardly an effort to make it score on the low goal instead… plus we probably aren’t even going to use that autonomous; there are tons of possibilities that are worth far more :slight_smile:

Scary… :cool: Nice job guys!

Absolutley amazing, I love it, enough to maybe start work on our own similar design :).

Is the goal grabber holding on the edge on the top? If so I didn’t think there was a edge on the official goals.

Actually, there is an 1/8 inch lip all the way around the hexagon.:slight_smile:

I didn’t know that, thank you very much.

well…I assumed there was a lip when I made the practice goal. It is shown on the field element drawings. Hopefully the field elements where 546 competes will be made that way, if not I expect they’ll come up with another idea!

Man, that is amazing. I hope ours compares to that. Can your robot score from the opposite side of the goal also?

I’m really glad you’re attending the Arizona regional and I’m not. Our robot definitely couldn’t compete with that.

I believe that is our one problem (that and the battery life issue :slight_smile: 10 motors is kinda harsh…). However, we have ways of repositioning the goals with the goal-grabber.

Sounds good, but I still believe you have another weakness related to that one. :smiley: