FTC Forum

Hey everyone!! I hope you’re having a great day! So I am a new FTC team member and I was previously part of VRC. It’s my first time EVER “interacting” I guess, with FTC. I’ve been trying to look for a FTC forum (like this one) but I have yet to find one. :(( Do any of you know if there is one? And if so, could you please share the link to sign up for it? Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Anjali (A noob at FTC)

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This one is mainly for FRC, but I think it is also used for FTC:


Here’s the official FTC forum. There isn’t much FTC discussion on Chief Delphi. Another suggestion is FIRST Tech Challenge


hmm thanks for all the help! I’ll probably make an account as soon as I can
Thanks again!

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