FVC Videos

Is there an archive of the videos of the VEX competition at the 2007 championship event in Atlanta?:slight_smile:

I am waiting for the same thing. Remember, each video (3 min. long) take from 10 to 45 minutes to load, thats alot of time. Don’t expect a WHOLE archive of it yet, maybe some clips fro specific teams. Samething happened at our VA regional, I wanted videos right after when the first time I saw videos of it were about a month later. Since it is the World final, I would expect someone compiling the whole thing on a DVD and selling it. I would buy it.

so has anyone finished yet? (please say yes)

i have a few videos of the finals although they are quite blurry… my camera apparently doesnt know how to focus…

I’ve tried uploading the videos but the internet at my school(I go to a high school boarding school) is very very very very very slowwwww. So unfortuatly I haven’t been able to upload them. Also they shut it off at night so I can’t upload it over night. I’m sorry…

so has anyone had any luck posting vids

I hoping that this weekend I’ll be able to take my comp over to one of the labs at my school and be able to upload the videos. Does anyone care if I just upload them to my googlepages page so that people can dl them or do people want youtube?

As YouTube degrades the quality of uploaded video, I’d prefer if they were uploaded as-is. But I’d greatly appreciate whatever format you use, thanks so much.