General Game Rule Inquiry

Dear VEX,
I have some questions regarding the crossover challenge competition and I was hoping to get some help as it is not very clear and I could not find the answers on the FAQ forum.

  1. Rulebook page 18 specifies the scoring for qualifying matches, or the round-robins that take place during each competition day. When it says

“One out of every four (4) Qualifying Matches will not count towards the rankings. If an event has between four (4) and seven (7) Qualifying Matches per team, then the lowest score for each team will not be counted. If an event has between eight (8) and eleven (11) rounds, then the two lowest scores for each team will not be counted. If an event has twelve (12) or more rounds, then the three lowest scores will not be counted.”

does this mean, if there are 4 total match days, one lowest sum of scores from one complete match day will be dropped? or each competition day, one of the round-robin rounds that gains the lowest point will be dropped from that day?

  1. We are currently participating in local region tournaments. How many “top teams” will be moving on forward to the next division? What exactly is the next division? If we are participating in California, are we expecting the entire So-Cal region? and after that will be State division? Then North America division?
    Also, within the So-Cal region, what constitutes a ‘local region’? For example, we are in the Northridge area, and we currently participate at the Mulholland Middle School. Furthermore, I’m given to understand that some other ‘regions’ haven’t even started their regional round robins yet. Which regions have already started? Which regions have not yet started? What exactly is the boundary that distinguishes us from, let’s say, Orange County region? Where can we find all this information? Also, within our region, from the teams that participated last year, which team won 1st place to move onto a higher division?

Thank you very much for your time!

This rule does not refer to match days, only individual matches. As stated above

“If an event has between four (4) and seven (7) Qualifying Matches per team, then the lowest score for each team will not be counted. If an event has between eight (8) and eleven (11) rounds, then the two lowest scores for each team will not be counted. If an event has twelve (12) or more rounds, then the three lowest scores will not be counted.”

So depending on the number of matches played, a certain number of lowest match scores will be dropped.

For full details on the qualifying structure for your region you’ll need to contact your REC Foundation Regional Manager. You can fine their contact info here: Robot Events