so, who’s ready for georgia this weekend?
I am:cool:
this weekend, well the team im kind of mentoring is!!! Go FTC 736!!!
yay georgia!!! not quite ready though
We are definately busy putting the finishing touches on the all the arrangements for the tournament at Devry. One thing I can say is that we have a full house expected. We are at 32 teams with several still off in the wings on a waiting list to get in. We will be on a tight schedule just as last year and hope to provide all teams with plenty of matches to show their robot stuff.
To help us keep on schedule, I would ask that teams please remember these 10 tips.
*]Be on time… get here early. Interviews will start as early as possible
*]Call us if you are on the road and going to be just a few minutes late getting here. Otherwise we will count you as a no-show and schedule all the matches without your team.
*]Get inspected early! Don’t wait until just before your match.
*]Make sure you have the latest master code & competition template
*]Bring your laptop, your programming cable and programming application.
*]Bring a copy of your code on a flash drive or on your laptop.
*]Read the robot rules and make sure you are not using Illegal parts.
*]Leave your crystals at home! You don’t need them.
*]Bring your tether… you will need that.
*]Bring your gracious professionalism, your competitive spirit and be ready to have some fun.[/LIST]
Hey where is Fredliu168? does He have any predictions for this one? Im not quite sure the teams that will be attending but there will be 32 teams there and there are 32 teams signed up in Georgia on the usfirst website
Good luck to all!!!
i think Peachtree might win the innovate award, they’ve gone through many challenges with their arm and now it works very very well, it’s also something i have NEVER seen before, i want to know how it turns out it looks really cool but i wont say what it is
haha, I’ll give it a shot, but I only know a few of these teams. Again, this is purely a guess out of boredem, with a tiny bit of research involved. I was 1/12 on the last prediction, so…
Winning Alliance:
Mr. Roboto & Super Pals 3
team 591
Runner-up alliance
Circutrunners 219
Eaglebots 401
Robosmashers 634
inspire award: Circutrunners 219
connect award: SHIRT 600
innovate award: team 736 (based on basicxman)
motivate award: Mr. Roboto and super pals 3
amaze award: 3 Brothers and Wesley 710
think award: Robo Teach 465
hmm…I wonder, are you basing these results off of previous experience…for more information about 736, look up 1261…:D. Robolions… :D…
I must say…Andy has really stuck with us…and i am glad to have an ally in the robotics universe.
lol im andy
hints andrewshompage!
If your wondering how I got my results, here is my explaination
Winning Alliance:
Mr. Roboto & Super Pals 3
edit: SOUP 453
- Mr. Roboto and Super Pals as well as SHIRT are probably the teams with the best reputation in your area. I have seen SHIRT’s bot and been described team 3’s bot, and both are quite top tier.
Runner-up alliance
Circutrunners 219
Eaglebots 401
Robosmashers 634
- I picked these teams as runner-up because Circutrunners were last year’s inspire winners. Eaglebots sounds familiar, and Robosmashers sounds like last year’s georgia winners (forgot the name, something else with smash in it).
inspire award: Circutrunners 219 - based on reputation
connect award: SHIRT 600 - not sure where I got this from, perhaps being the host team.
innovate award: team 736 (based on basicxman)
motivate award: Mr. Roboto and super pals 3 - mainly because they won it at the last tournament
amaze award: 3 Brothers and Wesley 710 - again, sounds very familiar
think award: Robo Teach 465 - random draw, (teach? sounds academic, notebook = academic? XD)
ah…what team are you froM?
so where did u get your reaserch from?
which part of my research? Team names? Team histories?
Also, to answer Sunny’s question, I am a mentor for team 478 and 163. We will be attending the MA regional on March 1st. My FTC resume can be seen on my signiture.
both the names and history
i have mentored SOUP 453… hint hint
I started my research with a list of team names from Autodesk:
and crossreferenced the teams with the usFIRST database.
Then, I ran a check through team unlimited’s archives from last year to see if the teams won any championships last year.
Finally, I dig deep into my brain and try to remember any info on them. This step usually fails.
Hope this helps!](
not anymore its still up but im working on a waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy better website
and crossreferenced the teams with the usFIRST database.
Then, I ran a check through team unlimited’s archives from last year to see if the teams won any championships last year.
Finally, I dig deep into my brain and try to remember any info on them. This step usually fails.
Hope this helps!](
Hey my team is not on the website, how do i change that?