Have any good ideas for the autonomous code?

For high stakes do you have any ideas for coding the conveyor belt to align with the goals?

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Welcome to the forum!

The forum has a very useful search function. I would advise that you use this before making such a post as this question has likely already been discussed.

As for my thoughts, you could use a funnel type of shape to help alignment. I would recommend watching some youtube videos to gain inspiration.


Do you have a mobile goal clamp? If you do then code it so when your robot gets near a mobile goal, the clamp is activated, then you don’t need to perfectly align your conveyor to the mobile goal, or ramming into the mobile goal and risking to cross the autonomous line.

If you don’t have a clamp… then make one with a motor or the popular choice: pneumatics.

Another tip, I recommend you code your robot to move to the positive corners at the end of the autonomous.

If this doesn’t help be more specific what you want your autonomous to be or send a picture of your robot :melting_face: