Heading/Turning Problems in Coding

I am having difficulty with our headings. I know they are supposed to be exact but I have set and reset them and nothing has changed. the turns are not what they are supposed to be. Whenever I set the heading too 0 at the beginning of the program and tell it turn to heading 90 degrees it will do more or less. I am not sure how to fix this.

What’s the error ? 1 degree ? 20 degrees ?

What code are you using ?


I am using Vexcode IQ blocks

It is usually off by about 5-10 degrees

ok, I should have said please post the code you are using.

My assumption would be that perhaps you are just using a drivetrain “turn to heading” block, 5 or 10 degrees may be about as good as that will get, are you using a gyro or the internal IMU if you have IQ generation 2 ?


I have the same question. I can’t find the ‘turn to heading’ block at all! In the VR examples it’s under the dark blue movement blocks but it does not show up in my blocks coding template. We are using the inertial internal sensor.

What do you mean by VR examples?

To have a turn to heading block, you must have a drivetrain, not 2 individual motors.

the “turn to heading” blocks are under the section labeled “drivetrain”

Also, I think she means the examples:

I see, so if you are using autonomous and have split the motors and could get them to work together -would the ‘spin ‘motor’ to position x degrees’ work the same?