Hi rodclause,
Since you have mentioned in a separate thread here that you are using ROBOTC, here is an example of how to to enable a 6 motor drive train (3 motors per side) in both ROBOTC Graphical and [Text-Based] ROBOTC.
ROBOTC Graphical:
**Text-based ROBOTC: **(Based off of the “Simple 2-Joystick Drive.c” example program)
#pragma config(Motor, motor1, leftMotor, tmotorVexIQ, openLoop, driveLeft, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, motor2, leftMotor2, tmotorVexIQ, PIDControl, driveLeft, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, motor3, leftMotor3, tmotorVexIQ, PIDControl, driveLeft, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, motor4, rightMotor3, tmotorVexIQ, PIDControl, reversed, driveRight, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, motor5, rightMotor2, tmotorVexIQ, PIDControl, reversed, driveRight, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, motor6, rightMotor, tmotorVexIQ, openLoop, reversed, driveRight, encoder)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
This program will use the VEX IQ Wirless Controller to drive your Clawbot. This program will use
"Tank Mode" to enable two joysticks to drive the two main motors of the Clawbot.
The 4 joystick axis on the VEX IQ Wireless Controller return values from -127 to +127.
Note: You will have to set ROBOTC to enable "Wireless Control" to use the VEX IQ joystick.
task main()
setMotorSpeed(leftMotor, getJoystickValue(ChA));
setMotorSpeed(leftMotor2, getJoystickValue(ChA));
setMotorSpeed(leftMotor3, getJoystickValue(ChA));
setMotorSpeed(rightMotor, getJoystickValue(ChD));
setMotorSpeed(rightMotor2, getJoystickValue(ChD));
setMotorSpeed(rightMotor3, getJoystickValue(ChD));