While this is a good idea, I don’t think any team that wants to be competitive would do this for High Stakes, because this would require too many motors to be viable in competition. It would also probably not be worth it, as a filled mobile goal in a positive corner is worth more than a tier 3 hang.
That doesn’t really work because our ladder doesn’t have enough space for the bot to be like that, there might be some configuration you can use to utilize that design but that specific idea won’t work here because won’t have enough space.
Yeah I agree, this climb mechanism would take an extensive amount of effort to tune for accuracy. In addition, you’d most likely have to use 4 motors anyways, which wouldn’t be viable in this competition, at least not for the current strategies and game rules at hand.
I do have a lot of configurations and modifications in mind with this Idea like
Having a PTO system where one pto will connect the arm to the intake so when the intake spins it will extend the arm upwards and another PTO which will connect to the 6 motor drivetrain to have the power to lift the robot(Just like in over under) and of course 2 pistons to just align(if needed) the arm to the vertical bar of the ladder
I do agree with the ladder not having much value. That’s why I’m reserving this idea for later on the season and it’s quite risky but I do see some potential in it.
Probably gonna scrap this idea if the value of the ladder didn’t change until the 3.0 version of the manual.