This our first year completing and we have the standard clawbot.
We are trying to raise the arm and get it to hold that position but it just falls back down to its starting position after it has completed the action.
Could you provide any tips or point me in the right direct to get the arm to hold its position when up?
Is your arm moving code at the end of the program? Always add wait(100, seconds) at the end
Basically, once the program finishes, the brain powers off all the motors so they would no longer keep their position.
Could you post up a screenshot of your code? You can make sure the the setMotorBrakeMode block for that motor is set to motorHold. However, as nenik says, if the program ends, the power to the motors will be cut so you need somthing at the end to ensure the program doesn’t end if you want it to hold indefinately.