We have a two motor drivetrain that has a 1:2 gear ratio. It drives forward and backwards perfectly but struggles to turn quickly. I would like suggestions on how to fix it.
maybe you’re not using omni-wheels
any pictures of the robot?
Why is your turn velocity set to 10%?
Because for some reason its faster than 100% which is really counterintuitive. I origianally had it at 100 but it was unbearable slow. So i looked at some other teams codes and the trend was to have it lower. So I did 10% and it turned faster.
Do you have your drivetrain bound to your controller in the Devices configuration? If so the speed is set based on the joystick movements and not the code. The drivetrain speed in the code would only affect your autonomous programming skills, and or motors bound to the buttons.
are you using gears or chain? our bot had same issue and putting in gears for the drive train saved us
are you by any chance using all traction wheels on your robot? if so switch to either half traction half omni with both omnis on either the front or the back. when you have tractions it has to break friction in ordr to turn. so if u switch ur front 2 wheels to omnis it will turn about the back and if you switch them to the back it will turn about hte front and if u switch all 4 to omni it will turn about the center
our drivetrain has 5 48t gears each side with 24t gears at the end that have the omni wheels attached.
Yes I have it set up like that.
That means that your turn and drive velocity code elements do not impact the speed of your robot - the joysticks control the speed.
You can test if it’s a physical issue by lifting your robot off of the ground and running the drivetrain.
A few tests:
- Do all of the wheels spin freely when off of the ground?
- Are you using bearings on both sides of the wheel to support the axle?
- Friction Testing: How to solve Friction problems
Yes it does all of those and we boxed in the wheels. It turns faster if the robot is moving forward or backward when driving. But if we just start the program and try and turn it almost refuses
next ting i would check is weight distribution. try to make it as even as posible
I will look into that thank you.