Practically every robot I’ve seen in competition videos or reveals have had a lift design, sucking in rings with an intake of some sort, and then getting sent into a lift mechanism (utilizing chains), before being plopped onto a mogo. What other designs have been used? I couldn’t find much on the high stakes idea thread. Apologies if there was a previous topic on this.
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5203G Gremlin and OWL designed this robot fairly early in the season, inspired by the 62a In The Zone robot
First saw this on 62A a while ago, glad to see other teams doing this.
6210A had a cool clawbot like that. However, they did take it apart. In all honesty, all the non-intake robots have not been extremely viable (MOA as an example). However, you can make one viable in your region if you tried.
With flex wheels being out of stock, many teams will probably start using other methods for intake. Excited to see what they come up with !