i need programing help!!!Please

so here is the deal i was tryin to make a 4wd robot go foward for 5 seconds and it wont work it will be on the vex code if you would like too help me i cant down load stuff on to my computer becasue i dont have winzip so you will have to explain it to me over the post

i couldnt get it to go on to the vex code wat shoudl i do

Did you want to do Autonomous Mode for 5 Seconds???

So you can not install Software like 7zip (or WinZip) on your computer??? If you are using WinXP, it will open zip file automatically…

what “couldnt get it to go on to the vex code”?? Uh… It depends…

i tried to make my 4wd robot go foward for fivesecondsthen stop but when i program it on to my robot it doesnt work

the wipzip doesnt work because i have to rebuy it and i am only a kid so i dont want to do that

Can you post your Code??? Then we can look at it and make suggestions…

Download 7Zip, it does pretty much all WinZip does, but it is Open Source and Free.

first pick out a loop, then put the front two motors on the loop, then put the back two motors on the loop (remeber to keep the front two motors running in oppisite directions, the sides running in the same direction and the back running in oppisite direction, in other words the left side running clockwise, right running counter-clockwise (or vise-versa depending on gearing)) then after all the motors place a timer and set it for 5000 miliseconds (5 seconds). if that doesnt work move the rimer to the beginning. and if you want to obtain radio control after five seconds place a second loop and put a radio control module in the second loop. hope that helps:D

OK, there is a couple different ways to do what you have “psudecoded”.

I will start with Easy-C 1.x…

First did you meen like this:

#include "UserAPI.h"

void main ( void )
      while ( 1 )
            Tank2 ( 1 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 ) ; // Front Motors
            Tank2 ( 0 , 3 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 1 ) ; // Rear Motors
            Wait ( 5000 ) ;

or like this:

#include "UserAPI.h"

void main ( void )
      while ( 1 )
            SetPWM ( 1 , 255 ) ; // Left Front
            SetPWM ( 2 , 0 ) ; // Right Front
            SetPWM ( 3 , 255 ) ; // Left Rear
            SetPWM ( 4 , 0 ) ; // Right Rear
            Wait ( 5000 ) ;

Either way you need to STOP the motors after the Wait(500)… Like:

#include "UserAPI.h"

void main ( void )
      while ( 1 )
            SetPWM ( 1 , 255 ) ; // Left Front
            SetPWM ( 2 , 0 ) ; // Right Front
            SetPWM ( 3 , 255 ) ; // Left Rear
            SetPWM ( 4 , 0 ) ; // Right Rear
            Wait ( 5000 ) ;
            SetPWM ( 1 , 127 ) ; // Left Front
            SetPWM ( 2 , 127 ) ; // Right Front
            SetPWM ( 3 , 127 ) ; // Left Rear
            SetPWM ( 4 , 127 ) ; // Right Rear
            Wait ( 5000 ) ;

The above will run for 5 Seconds, then Stop for 5 Seconds then start again…

that is how i did mine but i didnt put it in a loop

@your avatar:IRONIC:P

If you want it to drive for 5 Seconds, Stop for 5 Seconds and keep doing that, use the While loop…

If you want to do that for 30 Times, set up a For loop…

What else do you want it to do??

42 (Now where are my Sun Glasses)

i was just trying to goet it too work cause i did it like the ones in the inventers quide but with fourwheel drive and it just sits there and does nothing