You three have the lock on 4,000 competition robots and another 10,000 classroom robots. We buy your software expecting it to work and are rudely awakened to bad code, hasty patches, cruft and CS100 level mistakes. You’ve had three years to sort our Cortex systems out, but have failed
I understand that VEX sells billions an billions of units into classrooms and they are forgiving of bad code (not sure why, but I’ll drink the koolaide). On the other hand, 5000 robots run hard core competitor code to prove this is the best robot on the planet. One would think that VEX, RobotC and EasyC would be on this like maple syrup on pancakes.
I want clean code, I want competition code that works. I don’t want code that presumes a robot config or “natural language” I want code that I can use, that’s right. It’s right because it’s been tested, not just drummed into a code stream.
I want you three to get together and quit fooling around. Get devices early, make them work rock solid. Harden them. Then go add you natural language nonsenses.
I am / was / will continue to be appalled by the entire IC sensors for motors for 2012. Based on the amount of flying feathers, I’d release that product next week, since it didn’t work very well last week.
I have roboteers that I need a lot of life lessons to about mechanics, gravity, friction, etc. I’d rather not add in poor software engineering design and practices at IFI,ROBOTC and EasyC.
This is a harsh note, but I don’t care. We build amazing designs, hard core mechanical that rocks and you show up with software that can’t get the job done. Either up your game and make this work or open source it so people that can help, do help.
You owe much to the software gurus of Vexforum that have reversed engineering (no matter how poor the first cycle was) and gotten to the correct code.
Let us see RobotC, EasyC and IFI code get internally better, before we see features stacked on crap code.
Or open source the details so those of us that can program for a living can build something that works (Ummm, why yes, I am calling you out)
While (***) is a simple game, there are a ton of programming parts we can do,