Inertial Sensor does not work in code, though works on device preview

Hello! Our team is trying to use a new inertial sensor. Viewing the inertial sensor data under the home → devices → sensor port works, we can see heading, pitch, roll, and more data. When we try to program the inertial sensor to read data, we get 0s for heading, yaw, angle, rotation, pitch, and roll functions. Could anyone help out? I feel like we’re missing a step in the setup that shouldn’t be hard to find, though I can’t find inertial code examples online that look different than ours.

#include "vex.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include <thread>

using namespace vex;
using signature = vision::signature;
using code = vision::code;

// A global instance of brain used for printing to the V5 Brain screen
brain Brain;

// VEXcode device constructors
motor leftDrive = motor(PORT1, ratio18_1, false);
motor rightDrive = motor(PORT2, ratio18_1, true);
gyro TurnGyroSmart = gyro(Brain.ThreeWirePort.D);
inertial IntertialSeneor = inertial(11);
smartdrive Drivetrain = smartdrive(leftDrive, rightDrive,
                                   TurnGyroSmart, 319.19, 320, 130, mm, 1);

// VEXcode generated functions

 * Used to initialize code/tasks/devices added using tools in VEXcode Pro.
 * This should be called at the start of your int main function.

static bool stopVexProgram = false; // Below below
long long currentTime = 0; // And below
Timer checkErrors{"AAA"}; // Outside since vex's thread implementation is a little less free than C++'s
double totDegrees = 0; // Outside for the same reason as above

void startSecondThread() {

  while(!stopVexProgram) {
    long long time = checkErrors.getTime() - currentTime;
    Brain.Screen.printAt(10, 40, "Angles: %.4f", IntertialSeneor.yaw());
    if(time >= 5000) {
      Brain.Screen.printAt(10, 20, "Main thread is stalling!");
    } else {
      Brain.Screen.printAt(10, 20, "Main thread is working! ");

void vexcodeInit(void) {
  thread errorChecker{startSecondThread};
  Timer programLoop{"Total runtime"};
  int tick = 0;
  while(!stopVexProgram) {
    if(tick >= 4) {
      stopVexProgram = true;
    // Loop inside here
    // 30 * 3.14 * 1/4 = each wheel
    // 180 degrees = 10.5
    double distanceBetweenWheels = 29.5; // Centimeters
    double wheelDiameter = 10.5; // Centimeters
    double distance = distanceBetweenWheels * M_PI_2; // We don't divide by 4 since we're using 2 wheels to turn
    double rotations = distance / wheelDiameter;
    // totDegrees is outside of the function due to some lambda weirdness down below
    totDegrees = (rotations * 180. / M_PI);

    Drivetrain.setDriveVelocity(75, percent);
    Drivetrain.driveFor(6*11, inches);
    Drivetrain.setDriveVelocity(20, percent);
    if(tick < 3) { // Don't do the last rotation to save time
      // Run one of the motors on another thread so both can turn simultaneously using a lambda
      while(IntertialSeneor.yaw() < 88) {
        thread dd{[](){leftDrive.spin(directionType::fwd);}};
    currentTime = checkErrors.getTime();
  double totalTime = (((double) programLoop.getTime()) / 1000.);
  Brain.Screen.printAt(10, 40, "Total time to run program: %f", totalTime);

Is it plugged into the correct port ? You set it for port 12 (and really you should use the predefined constants such as PORT12)


It looks like using the predefined constants fixed the issue, replacing the 11 with PORT11 seemed to fix it. I’m not entirely sure why this works, especially since it looks like PORT11 is also an int_32. My team also seemed to mess with the ports a little bit, but we’re all good now. Thank you!

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because PORT11 has the value 10. Ports start their numbering at 0, so PORT1 is 0 etc.