Inspector's guide issue

We will be running our first event in a couple weeks and I was just reviewing all of the event documentation. Overall it’s really great and helpful. I did notice an issue however with the Inspectors Guide and Checklist which I fear may be contributing to some of the confusion over expansion. Note the second section of R4 “A Robot may not expand beyond its 13” x 20” starting area constraint at any time during the match.” is missing when the rule is quoted in the guide. If one were to read the guide, and only skim the game manual, one might be of the belief that the robot could expand after start (as they have been able to in past years). Since inspectors are typically not going to have intimate knowledge of the game - it would be an easy mistake to make. Also, IMHO there should be a check box for the second part of rule R4 in the inspection checklist. There is a check box for “at the start of the match” but the guide does not encourage inspectors to check the robot in all possible configurations to assure that it doesn’t expand beyond the 13x20 box.

Thank you for your feedback, as we strive to ensure that the program documentation is clear and also concise. For this reason, the game rules were not included in their entirety in the Inspector’s Guide, but the reference in bold above the Rules Summary section does refer users to the Game Manual for more details. Inspection of the robot’s largest configuration is included in the Inspector’s Guide in R5 (below). The issue of robot expansion is then addressed in more detail in the Game Rules Overview section of the Referee Guide, as this is the position responsible for ensuring compliance with this rule.

R5: Teams using more than one Robot configuration at the beginning of matches must tell the inspector(s) and have the Robot inspected in its largest configuration(s).

Thank you for hosting a VEX IQ event. We appreciate your efforts in reviewing the program documentation in order to ensure the success of your event.