I am a beginner level robotics team trying to get into full volume. Our intake keeps jamming when we try to pick up multiple cubes at the same time. I have a 60:24 ratio and a 5:1 ratio. I don’t know if it is maybe cause it is too fast? I have also heard that intake is not at it’s best when on low brain battery and we were on 30% that day. So can someone help?
Yeah, your intake is way too fast. I think the 60 : 24 is fast enough. Can you post a picture of the intake
Our intake also won’t expand. It just stays. I’ve tried putting rubber bands on the sides of the intake too. I’ll change the gear ratio and send a picture when I can see the robot again.
60:24 is 5:2, not 5:1. Also, photos of the intake would be helpful. Triangular banding also. That kind of banding aids it lifting A LOT but doesn’t pull it up much initaitlly. Also, 30 percent is offaly low.
We have 2 intake wheels. One is 5:1 the other one is the 5:2
ok, could I see photos? That would help a wot!
Works perfectly fine now, it was a battery issue.
We have found below 75% on a gen 2 battery and 75% on gen 1 batteries performance is affected. Below that odd turns, sluggish motors, cannot lift well, etc.
Best if you start with a battery at least 90% for best performance.
If you robot works well though at half, then it will work really well at half which is what we aim for. If its good at half its great at full.