Intake Ramp Problem

Our intake doesn’t work without a wall. What can we do to solve this? d398d3a4-8c61-4d69-b011-0c3273692e84.mp4 - Google Drive

Sanding the surface of the polycarbonate with sandpaper helped us a lot. I read somewhere that 300 grit is a good choice to go with, but 220 grit worked fine for us.


At the point when the rollers make contact with the discs, you may want to have the ramp positioned just underneath the lip of the discs so the disc can just climb on it and go up. Can’t tell from the video if the position of the ramp is blocking the disc or not.

We did this too, and this process is called “frosting” the polycarb. I think we also used 220, and our friction went from the disc not moving to us being able to flick it up and out the top of it.

Happy Birthday!!!


You can also heat-treat the very bottom of the polycarbonate with a torch, where the pancakes intake, and bend it down more. That is what my team did and it works perfectly now.

Our teams tried frosting and bending the polycarb and using higher speed and torque, as well as various sizes of flex wheels. In the end, we’ve seen that having an aluminum blade for the intake works exceedingly well, and doesn’t dig into the tiles if you get the spacing right. Of course, lots of factors play into this, and everything else that has been listed is helpful. It also might help to make sure your intake is grabbing the disc from the top before it tries to take it over the lip. The bottom of the intake will always tend to push away things, but having the powered sections contact first will help overcome this. Good luck!

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