Intake spinning problem

For some reason our teams intake is only spinning in one direction and I don’t think it’s the code since I double checked it and I didn’t change it and that it just suddenly on started spinning in one direction.

Fun fact about the brains is you can run motors directly from the inbuilt control. So you can check the motor without needing code. Try it out and see if the motor works.

If you come back, remember to post your code so we can help you “double check” it.

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There’s the image of my code
Also thanks I’ll see if I can test out he motor
We knew that his but we were just wondering if there was a different way to test it since we had finished building on it and it might be hard to get it out and put back.

But it’s fine. Overall, thanks for ur help and I’ll test it tomorrow and let u know how it goes


Why are you setting the velocity to 500%?

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Sorry that was me randomlyvtesting different velocity speeds to see if it would exceed the normal velocity.

Normally I keep it at 80-100

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Hey, so I checked the motors using the brain and it worked! Could u plz check my code the and see if there’s an issue in it.

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Sure, can you post all of it? Seeing 25 lines out of at least 175 lines isn’t helpful.

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It seems your using the same velocity for forward and backward, try making the velocity negative and see if anything changes.

For @Foster, do u want me to send u all the code for every part of the robot with the configuration or just th e intake code and it’s configuration.

For @Dumpathi thanks for ur advice I will let u know once I test it out today.

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Please post all the code. That way we have the right 4 lines to look at.

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