whell this isint really a robot but its part of our FVC bot.
tis an intake i built used to intake softballs and transfer them elsewhere.
just thught i might post my creation!!
did just one of the links break? if so, i would just get over it, if you do not think it is glueable. considering you get alot of them, i wouldnt worry too much.
UPDATE–ok whell this contraption didnt last long.
after 3 modifications to attemt to make it useful for our bot,
i got to tear it appart today and build a new intake…
so sad but i guess you have to make sacrifices when u r 10 days away from compitition ill
we actually didnt use the intake AT ALL!!!
it made me mad but whatever.
alot of teams there used intakes very sucsessfully including the top ranked alliance wich had 2 bots with them.
thats what my team hade a problem with, but the two teams from Gar-field had intakes on theirs and it worked REALLY well without any extra addditions to the treads.