i recently bought a C++ for dummies book from barnes and noble but im wondering if after im done trying to learn C would Mplab be more like Dev C++ or is easy c still a better option
“Dev C++” appears to be an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), like MPLAB or even the “user part” of Visual Studio. Either way, you learn how to type in the Code and Compile it…
I would suggest downloading the Tutorial, Thinking is C, and get the other Thinking in … books as well.
@ 13:33 PDT (-7) on 14-AUG-2007
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i was wondering one other thing you know how you can just click on the motor image in easy c and it adds code
do you have to write the code in manually in mplab:confused:
With EasyC, you Drag and Drop the Motor Image, then set the Motor Port (e.g. 1-8), and the Value (e.g. 0-255, with 127 being Stopped) .
In MPLAB, I cheat!! I cut and Past a lot…
Find a Motor Control Command, (e.g. ), then Highlight it and Copy It, move your carrot (The Vertical Bar that indicates the Text Insertian Point), and Paste. Then Edit the Motor Command for the proper values.
*/ SIXTH: Set your initial PWM values. Neutral is 127. */
pwm01 = pwm02 = pwm03 = pwm04 = pwm05 = pwm06 = pwm07 = pwm08 = 127;