Is there a way to remove the organization from a team on robotevents?

Hi all, my team has issues with our school sending a representative to the Bots @ Bristol signature event. Our admins told us that we have two options: 1. find a district representative or 2. remove all associations to our school. We were wondering if there were any way to remove the organization from the team on robotevents, because that is what would be displayed on signature event broadcasts. Or, if there was a way to have Bots @ Bristol remove the organization on their end.

If anyone has any suggestions, it would be highly appreciated! We’re really eager to go to Bots @ Bristol and are hoping to see all the great teams there!

Thanks in advanced!

You will need to reach our to your local RECF representative. If you don’t know who that is, you can search on Support Map : Robot Events

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So you don’t want people to know you are from your school? Sorry, but if you are getting funding from them you should leave it alone. Could you provide context more context? If you do need to change to org for some reason your RSM can help. But pretty much only private teams have organizations that are not their schools and they aren’t associated with one.


Why do you care about an internal school policy direction? Schools do weird things for what appear to be weird reasons to outsiders.


As far as I’m aware, someone who has access to the team’s Robot Events account would be able to change the organization name listed for the team on Robot Events, such as to make it the same as the team name or a name related to a region or district that would allow themselves to be associated with the team, and if so, I assume someone could also make the organization name blank (though I would recommend listing an organization name of some sort in order to minimize the chances that anyone looks for the organization name to say it out loud, sees none, and looks at a past event and assumes the organization is still the school so they say that name - I don’t think that would happen, but listing an organization name is my preference regardless).

After the event ends, you could change the organization name back to the school if you want to, though if someone looked at the past event’s team list after the name is changed back within the same season, I’m not sure whether there might be some places where the name changes back on that page, too (though that might not be as much of an issue for the school as having their name be there during the event).

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No, officially changing the name or address of the sponsor organization requires RECF.

The team list tab in TM does allow edits to names that would show for that event only. So if you were an event partner triggered by all caps sponsor names, you could change it so seeing the team list didn’t make you irrational. (self-burn)

So yes, this is possible, if the EP is willing:


I am going to weigh in as a coach of school district. If my district registers the team (creates RE account and pays for it), the team belongs to the district. It may seem unfair, but the district took all the risk financial and reputation to register the team. If team disagrees, they are fine to register team on their own, but cannot claim to be affiliated in anyway with the school. This last part means you do hot have right to team number without an agreement with school district.

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I misunderstood the question, which is why I asked for clarification. From what I understand now, the team has an issue with their school sending a representative for whatever reason and the school has a policy that because their school is listed as their organization they will send a representative. That’s their business.

I just wanted to figure out whether the school was allowing them to remove the org at least for the event, which seems they are willing to do or if they were trying to do it without school permission.

In that case RSM is still the right way, but the school could definitely do it on their end with the RSM since they own the RE account.

My bad.