Joysticks appear to have leakage

When I have the controller hooked up to the robot brain, and I’m using the “Driver Control” program I find that the device is driving the wheels slowly even when I’m not moving the joysticks. It is as if the joysticks are “leaking” power to the servo motors and the motors are trying to drive forward all of the time. Is this a known issue, or is there something I can do to correct this? Thanks!


In the Driver Control program, the two dual-axis joysticks cause the motors to have variable control. The further away from center they are pushed, the faster the Smart Motors will spin. There is a small deadband around the neutral position of the joystick which is ignored when sending commends to the Robot Brain and Smart Motor, however if the joystick is slightly out of this range the motor will very slowly spin.

You can resolve this problem by using your Robot Brain to calibrate your Controller. We have a YouTube tutorial video available to show this process:


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