Kalahari Competition

Hey everyone!

I’m curious about the qualification process for VEX teams aiming to participate in the Ohio Kalahari Classic VEX Competition. Specifically, I’d like to understand:

  • The general criteria teams must meet to qualify for this event.
  • Any specific requirements or steps for Ohio-based teams.
  • The process for out-of-state teams to gain eligibility.

From what I’ve gathered, the Kalahari Classic is a VEX Signature Event that attracts numerous teams nationwide. These events often have distinct qualification criteria compared to standard regional competitions. For instance, some Signature Events may not have pre-qualification requirements, allowing any registered team to attend, while others might have specific prerequisites. If anyone has experience with this event or insights into the qualification process, especially regarding any pre-qualification requirements or registration tips, I’d greatly appreciate your input!

Thanks in advance!

What competition are you going to

middle school / jr high quals for states i believe

high school has one event for state qual and a different one for worlds

From what I have heard you only qualify for states if the comp is in your state but kalihari might be different idk. worlds qual doesn’t matter

You have to sign up for the event before hand idk of any qualifying for the event (could be wrong)

There is a website on the event that you can check out for specific information about it

high school worlds: link
high school states: link
middle school: link

hope some of this help

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