Legal Parts list for Rapid Relay?

Looking for the list of legal parts for this year, or at least the most up to date one. Last one I’ve see was from 2021-22

You need to look a little harder I guess.


James’ Links are good direct sources.

The documents themselves are linked in the RECF Library at this page as well:


In years past, the link was present on the ‘main’ competition/game page on the Vex Robotics site. It was confusing to me that it wasn’t there, and as of a handful of days ago, a Google search was not turning up the Knowledge Base page.

In fact, just checking again, it’s not in the first 20 returns from Google. I had actually just emailed the GDC inquiring about the location and had just gotten an email this morning with the KB link.

It would be very helpful to have that KB page linked from the game page (Competition Overview - Competition - IQ - VEX Robotics for clarity), and even more bonus would be linking to the KB article from the manual itself.

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Have to admit I just googled it as

vex iq legal parts list

and it was in top 5 results

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Also, since I can’t edit, a quick follow up for @VEX_GDC_IQ , the parts list revision in the footer says “2024-05-17”, but at the bottom of the first page, the text says it’s current as of May 17, 2023, as opposed to 2024.

I mean, I’ve neverrrrrrrr put the wrong year in a released document, and the people that peer reviewed it deffffffinitely didn’t miss that, either… :sweat_smile:


Figures, that’s exactly what I searched for, and what wasn’t on the results before is now the 5th result for me! :joy: Hopefully this thread will pop it up higher in the search results above 5 year old forum links…

Thanks for the catch… we’ll get that updated :sweat_smile: