anybody have any ideas for lifts to get caps on posts? i was thinking maybe elevator wouldn’t be a bad idea.
6 bar will most likely be the meta
Elevator is a good idea. You couldnt go wrong with a simple chain bar.
A quick and light DR4B wouldn’t be too bad just takes up a lot of space.
9409 b may have been on to something with this years design, just for next years game.
You want it small and compact. would go with a linear slide. Usually im one to hate on them, but it might just be viable this time
Just for a heads up, you’re trying to score on a pipe that is near the perimeter. If you have a 6b or 4b, your lift will be further away when raised, making you unable to score on the pipe.
Please no more dr4bs this year. Bot diversity is nice
I think an elevator lift would be good, it leaves room at the back of the robot for the ball launcher.
I agree with @avspark, but if you have the elevator turn around and act as an intake system for balls though, that saves lots of space.
A very slim double reverse that is also fairly small in height can be used to get the caps on the poles. As far as I know, the caps are fairly light, meaning that a potential one motor v5 double reverse or a two motor 393 lift should serve fine. While I can see a six bar or a four bar being used, keep in mind that the driver will have to deal with the non-linear motion, making it a hassle to score fast.
This game requires a lot of mechanisms to score in various ways, and with that in mind, your lift should take up as little space as possible. I’m not an expert of the different lifts, so you can decide for yourself what lift takes up the least amount of space while taking the caps to where they need to be.
A six bar, or linear slide could work well. Most likely linear slide, so you can also attach a ball launcher to the back.
I was thinking maybe a Danny lift with a hybrid between a claw and a shooter
I was thinking a light dr4b and to do that the bottom 4 bar be c-channel and the top be a c-channel cut in half so it makes like a small angle iron type piece. Any suggestions on if this would work or not. I just dont know if the top 4 bar will be able to lift the cap it is like 1 pound or something like that.
Just a thought, if you look at some of the FRC bots for power up, you see them using intakes as shooters. This could work of you run the shooter reverse ata slow speed manually and with some nifty programming, go to full speed forward and shoot the balls out. Might only work in expansion zone though.
It’s one pound. The cones weighed around two pounds last season and the lifts had more trouble carrying their own weight than the cone itself. With v5 motors, it might even be tempting to try a one motor lift.
@Wiredcat Robotics ok i thought about that also but would you do a normal dr4b or do what i said. Also our team is having troubles thinking of a shooter idea what are you guys thinking to do.
Eh, its mass is “335 grams ± 10 grams.” 335 grams weighs a little under 0.74 lb.
I think maybe a 4 or 6 bar is all you need