Limit switch causing overheated microcontroller

So the situation is one of the limit switches caused the microcontroller to overheat. At first we hadn’t noticed until our radio crystals didn’t work, and even tether didn’t work. So my teacher advised me to test each motor on our robot and I found that the limit switch caused the overheating and radio crystals to malfunction. I took apart the limit switch and noticed the red end of the wire unsoldered.

My question is, should the red wire be soldered?


No, the red wire must remain unconnected. It was probably touching the black wire, which would cause a short circuit.


  • Dean

does the microcontroller even care about the red wire since the limit switches are single pull double throw switches which means that when the switch is pushed the white and black wires are connected and the red is not and when the switch is released the black and red wires are connected and the white is not

Correct, the red wire is not attached for either the Limit Switches or the Bumper Switch. The red wire provide +5VDC power, which is not needed by these unpowered accessories.

Have a look here for a look inside the switch module. This is an article I posted on how to convert VEX limit switches for use on VEXplorer motors.


  • Dean