Linear Motion Kit

I have purchased four (4) items: 1) the Linear Motion Kit, P/N: 276-1926, 2) Advanced Gear kit, 3) Robotics 2-Wire Motor 393 and 4) Motor Controller 29 . In the instructions for the Linear Motion Kit there is a picture of the rack bracket and there seem to be parts I still do not have? Can you tell me what I am missing? Also, I do not have any power for the motor - must I buy a controller to provide that? I am trying to build exactly what is shown in the picture; that is a bracket containing powered rack gear that moves up and down the 17.5" slide.

Hi John_332,

We’re sorry that you have encountered this issue. The 276-1926 Linear Motion Kit from the VEX EDR product line includes (2x) of the rack brackets shown on the product web page this kit:…/276-1926.html

If you are missing these parts from a new kit, please contact VEX Technical Support at [email protected] or by calling +1-903-453-0802 so we send you these missing parts.

The 2-Wire 393 Motor and Motor Controller 29 are designed to work with the VEX EDR control system, including the VEX Cortex-based Microcontroller:…/276-1604.html…-chargers.html

For additional assistance regarding the VEX EDR product line, please contact our technical support folks at the number above, or please visit for more questions regarding the VEX EDR product line. (The focus of is discussion regarding the VEX IQ product line and VEX IQ Challenge competition; the focus of is discussion regarding the VEX EDR product line and the VEX Robotics Competition).


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