Match strategy evolution High Stakes

Let’s talk about match strategy evolution for High Stakes!

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The meta at MoA was to get the positive corrners with a full mogo as soon as possible and just camp until the engame. That gets you 32-42 points which is impossible to beat without climb.

For mid season I think that this will still happen but both teams with have their corner guarded ASAP so marches will come down to autonomous bonus, wall stakes, and (hopfully) climb. Wall stakes are a possible 16 points and climb is 3-31 which could definitely win any match where the opponent dosn’t have climb.

I think that HS late season climb will look like OU late season hang. A lot of teams still not having anything, but all really successful teams will have tier 3+high stake. I also think mogo descore mechs will become more popular to reduce risk in matches, but mostly for skills, where it will end up in a stop time race with max scores.


The big thing to consider with the high stake with the current rules is that its nearly impossible. the easiest way I can see it being done without them changing expansion rules would be to shoot it up there, but even then its impractical and inconsistent. Plus, you need to consider that the gap between the floor and the bottom of the first rung is 16 inches, while the gap between the top of the second and the bottom of the top is 12 inches, meaning you need to find a way to compact all of your mechanism to under 12 inches tall.

@5735H Something like this with more chains (to prevent breakage) or linear slides is possible.

I did some math (see below) and an 11W climb could lift a 17 lb robot in 5.1 seconds. This is a very reasonable amount of time with a 10 second endgame and 12-31 points to gain. Also, it is a perfect mechanism to put on a PTO as it’s only used at the end of the match.

1 red motor = 2 Nm —> 17.7 lb inches
1 red motor = 100 RpM —>1.67 RpS (60 RpM is optimal torque for 1 RpS)
24 T gear = 1 inch radius—> 2pi circumference
32.2 inches off the ground to get tier 3

32.2 inches / 2 pi inches/second = 5.1 seconds


This is assuming that you have an absolutely perfect climb which operates continuously with no delays while using the maximum output of your frictionless motor. In reality, I think it will be almost impossible to get a tier 3 climb in 10 seconds, but maybe someone will find a way…

Maybe with a PTO though…