Mid season check up v5

Borrowing this idea from a IQ thread how has your guy’s season been? Have you gone to any sigs, won any awards? Feel free to post photos of your awards, Robot,ect


we so far have gone to the battle of the highlander, and two qualifiers and a scrimmage, we have won excellence, design and won the scrimmage. we are redesigning from the hopper to lady brown. we have a 5.5w intake with hooks. we have qualified for the regional championship. will post pictures when I get to the place we work.

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Started off a competition 0-4, had absolutely insane match schedule and garbage autonomous.
Finished 3-4
Not a very fun day, but better than 0-7…
That was supposed to be our only competition, but we might get one more, which would be nice. No sigs because our school can’t afford it. No awards because our robot’s bad. How’s everyone else’s season been?

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My team’s season has actually been pretty good. We started off terribly, but we have excellence, innovate, and tournament finalist awards. We tied for first place with a laughable combined skills score of 29 (our robot works better now), but first place had a higher auton skills. Here is a picture of our robot:


We haven’t even started our season yet, we are LATE


so far, my team has been to the highlander summit and two local comps. won sportsmanship at the most recent competition, but went 1-6 there (against good teams, with bad teams). went 3-3 at the other local comp, and made R16 with our middle school sister team . over break, we’re restructuring our robot so we actually have crossbars on our drivetrain before our next competition on january 11.

also, one of the main differences i’ve noticed this season is that my comps have been a little bit more guy-heavy than in previous years (going from about 30-25% girls to ~20%). it’s not a huge thing, but i do feel a bit less confident when doing eliminations scouting and alliance selection, and that’s probably something that’s been a factor in my team’s performance this season.

anyways, how have things been going for you all?


our first comp we went 4-2 because our drive train burnt out, got out immediately in round of 16 because of a jammed ring and our alliance partners mogo clamp broke. Second comp we went 1-5-1 because our drive train got totally destroyed and our pneumatics kept having issues rendering our mogo clamp useless. Learned some lessons as this was only our second year (our members 2nd year, its our 10 year anniversary as a team). We have a pretty long brake till our next 2 comps (their mid-late February) so we totally re built. Hasn’t had a comp yet but just by glancing at it you can see its better, also noticeably lighter. Our goal right now is to work on that bot and try to test out some new stuff to get the best bot we can before then, but also a large focus for our team right now is online challenges. Our team has never been one to focus on anything but the bot, until recently we never gave much effort to our engineering note book, interviews, or anything off the field really. This year I became our VEX lead and captain of one of the teams, I’ve made it my goal to push the off the field stuff as hard as the on the field. While we definitely still can improve on our documentation, note book, and what not, its still so much better than last year. Our school just went on winter break and our goal is to enter in all of the online challenges and really put our all in there as well as in our bot. I don’t expect to be the best team at the comp by any mean but I
definitely want to be better than before, just keep improving and improving. My end goal is to be the first VEX team from my school to qualify for worlds. After 10 years with 2-4 teams each year we’ve done well and gone to state but we’ve never made it to worlds and that becuase it’s always been 2nd class to FRC, however this year were really taking it seriously and hopefully well do pretty well.


My team has been to 3 comps so far. We didn’t do that bad in the first two, but nowhere near state qualification. We also went to Colorado Springs, which was terrible. We didn’t even get scouted. The ref also seemed to be at her first tournament, which was fine, but she also made a good amount of mistakes, which was 50% the entire reason we were in pretty much last place. I know this sounds like I’m just trying to blame our failure on someone else, but it’s unbelievable how frustrating this was. One of my team members was in tears because if it. The worst part is that my team is located up north in Longmont, and it’s a 3-and-a-half-hour drive to get to Colorado Springs. Thankfully, we all tried to ignore that embarrassing failure and we learned that we also had a very messy robot. It was hard to repair, heavy, and everything was placed wrong. So we have one more tournament left in January, and we are currently rebuilding the entire robot. Thankfully, this new robot is neat and pretty good. We also had an unorganized notebook that was in journal format, so we are redoing it. It’s also going pretty well. Either way, fingers crossed that we qualify this January.

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My team went 4-2 at our first comp and placed 14th in quals (out of 47). We are heavily adjusting our robot to modernize it.

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Not that anybody’s asked but our seasons been going fine! went 21st at Haunted then went 72nd at speedway with an insanely bad match schedule. And went 1st in quals at 2 locals and make finals at our last comp! In total we have won 6 awards so far, so I believe our seasons been fine.


My seasons been solid, first year of v5 so pretty new
First comp we went 3-3 and ranked 12th, we had a hard schedule there tho and got picked by the 3rd seed then lost in qf to our ms sister team.
Second comp we went 6-1 and ranked 7th, became the 5th seed and lost to our ms sister team again in qf but won ms excelence
3rd comp we went 4-4 and ranked 12th, got picked by our ms sister team making the 3 seed, then made finals and lost to our HS sister team
4th comp was ms only, we went 4-2 (big fumbles) ranked 8th, got picked by the 3rd seed captain, barely won sf against our sister team then lost in finals, got finalist and design awards there too.

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Currently rebuilding robot to be much lighter, smaller, and use a lady brown.

Won most of our regional competitions but the rebuild is super important as our national comp is coming up and the other regions usually bring way stronger robots than the ones we compete against in my region so it’s going to be stiff competition for worlds qualification.

Regional comps are pretty casual so no awards but our robot has been doing very well in auton, Had the highest-scoring auton at our national comp last season and I hope to continue that trend with an even better one this season.

Most importantly I made more cool animations for the lights on our robot. If we lose we gonna lose with style.

Good luck everyone in high stakes. :slight_smile:


We just did a intake rebuild, switched from full hood, to hood into hook at top. The ignite the northwest sig got canceled so were not going to one this year, we’re also ranked #1 at our local comp currently.