does it have any rules in VCR against modifying a v5 motor, say I attach a heatsink for it?
also if none, what should I aware of, I am plan to cut open the motor’s case to attach it with a peice of aluminium c channel by using thermal paste glue. Thanks for the answer
Check the game manual, R<20>, it’s pretty clear what is and is not allowed.
R<20> ,Section C says
Teams may make the following modifications to the V5 Smart Motor’s user-serviceable features.
This list is all-inclusive; no other modifications are permitted. Where applicable, the components
listed below (in the specific applications listed below) are permissible exceptions to .
i. Removing the gear cartridge, or replacing the gear cartridge with other official cartridges.
ii. Removing or replacing the screws from the V5 Smart Motor Cap (276-6780).
iii. Removing or replacing the threaded mounting inserts (276-6781).
iv. Aesthetic / non-functional labeling (e.g. markers, stickers, etc)
Since adding a heatsink is not one of the modifications above, it is probably not competition legal and I wouldn’t use it on your robot.
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