As most of us IQers know, the balls for rapid relay don’t like being scored. They get stuck in the switches and get cought on other balls. I just found a new issue: I scored two balls, onein the top goal and one in the bottom. The low goal ball scored and rolled in the pickup zone, but the high-goal ball launched in the goal and bounced out through the low goal! Is this ball considered scored? Should it be removed form the field? I have already checked the goal wall and there is no build issue, so what should be the call in this case? (I’ll ask on the Q&A once we regesiter, but anyone else can do it if they please!)
TL;DR: Top goal ball scored then bounced out of low goal.
First off, a picture would be really helpful, but I do understand what you are trying to say.
As per this Q and A, a robot should clear it.
So that is what you should do in this situation as long as there is still a ball that is usable (e.g. has been scored and reloaded)
@Joeboticswastaken So you’re saying he should treat is as though it was scored and reloaded into the field legally and thus just pick it back up and pass or shoot it?
@BananaPi I think this one is worth an ask in the official Rapid Relay Q&A page. I think it might actually be treated as we’ve explained above since that’s likely the easiest/fastest way to address it without interfering with the game pace…which will be critical this year!
This has happened to my team multiple times and I am wondering if it counts as a goal or not as well. I think that it should count as a goal and then just be played on as if it has already been loaded.
Sorry for the confusion, I will try to re-phrase it (and you will hopefully see why I couldn’t add a picture for this):
The robot launched a ball through the top goal, fully passing through the goal wall. The ball’s status is scored. Then, that same ball bounced off the back of the goal frame, out of the low goal. Now, is the ball scored, or unscored? I would think that the ball is scored because it fully passed through the goal wall, but what would the ref do when the ball bounced out of a diffrent goal?
Ahh I have just misunderstood completely.
I think that is worth asking a Q and A, but per current rules it seems like you would need to rescore it.
If it has been scored, then it must be reloaded.
Using the game manual would have shown you that!
Well @CrypticCowboys , Sterling Voluntieers is taking a while for our coach’s signup. Could you make a Q&A again for this issue?
I had my first comp of the season yesterday and asked the head ref about this issue. They said it would count as a goal but the loader would have to retrieve it of the field and load it legally.
This is sn odd ruling. I like it, but this conflicts with G9 in the game manual “Keep your hands out of the Field”
I’ll log an official Q&A this weekend.
Just a heads up that someone beat me to asking the questions: Game piece rebounding out of goal after being scored
It’s still unanswered though, so standby.