Motor not working


We have 2 VEX IQ robots that we have built. Both robots are having trouble with one motor. It is the motor that is plugged into PORT 1. The robot brain says that it is not plugged in, and the motor doesn’t function. We have checked the connection, and tried changing the wires, but it does not help. We have updated the robots multiple times, and the firmware updater says that only 3 motors are connected, instead of 4.

This is very frustrating for my students. Please help!!

Hi jgerity,

We’re sorry that you have encountered this issue.

If you have a Smart Motor that is not responsive to a Robot Brain, and swapping cables, ports and reinstalling firmware did not resolve the issue, please contact VEX Technical Support at [email protected] or by calling +1-903-453-0802 so we can provide more detailed help in resolving this issue.


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