Is there any way to detect when a motor has been forcefully stopped, like a jam in the system, etc.?
That is a very interesting question, and I would love to know why you want to know this. I have never thought about this before, but I would assume that the best solution would be to say something like this, or maybe sort something out with an encoder.
of course, the best option would be to do this manually, but I guess in auton that is a bit tricky
I would suggest using the sensing blocks to see an rpm drop.
I figured it out on my own after a couple hours, the motor’s amps goes up when it’s stopped so:
To @Odysseus 's question of why even do this, our controler has no buttons left and this year for the competition we’re trying a converyor belt design and the discs sometimes forcefully stop the belt, hence we want to move it back to unclog.
Could you mark that as the solution to help others with the same issue?
(checkmark near link)
I can definitely see your issue with not having enough buttons left on the controller. I was wondering the same at the beginning of this year, and I bit of research into using one button to start and stop the same motor. Now that I have it, I do not think we would manage without it. I would recommend having a look at this topic.
sorry I forgot how to link it.
Along with checking via coding there are a lot of visual and audio clues. Try listening for a clicking noise or if the motors are moving the axle at very small increments at a time as if it is trying to push through being stopped
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