Hi, I am wondering what the best, most efficient and frictionless method of motor sharing is in vex iq, my team is planning to have a 4 motor drive with 2 motor motor sharing between the shooter and intake. Right now we have a standard pneumatic pto (like the capped pins one) and the intake has a lot less torque and speed than if it is just normal two motor intake. Any help on how to improve my current pto, or a better type to built, would be much appreciated. I have been researching slide ptos but haven’t been able to find many photos or videos of them in vex iq.
The standard PTO you are using should give you acceptable results. The main thing you need to be careful is the gear that drops into the input of your intake doesn’t push too hard by the pneumatics. You need to figure out some sort of deadstop such that the deadstop stops the gear from pressing too hard adding friction.
I hope that helps.
Thanks for the help! I’m on school holidays now but will try that when I get back to school. I already mentioned this but is a transmission slide pto like the v5 ones any better. One benefit i noticed is it means that it can spin either way but would it make there be a higher power output to the intake or would there be the same amount of friction and same amount of power lost?
I’d recommend trying a slide PTO or a pneumatic aided clutch.
Does the standard PTO allow for rotation in both directions for both piston positions? One direction only seems to work for each position- other direction causes the gear to slip in our experience.
The pto I currently have only works in one direction
Both directions can work however only one direction is high load. So this would be useful for applications where the low load direction is used for opening gates or indexing game elements. If you need high load for both directions, slide type PTOs would be better.
I believe the team will try to do a more in-depth video of how a slide PTO would work when they have time.