Dear FTC Teams,
STEMRobotics is trying to bring robotics to the 1100 schools that are in the Southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey area. (Draw a circle that is an hour drive from the Philadelphia Airport and you’ve pretty much covered it)
In the last few days FIRST has presented the new FTC platform. The new kit replaces your existing VEX system. We would like your old, unneeded VEX parts to start these new teams. We will take all your parts and pieces, repackage them with instructional materials and courseware, and deliver them to students, faculty, and mentors that want to become as excited as you are about robotics. We are also planning competition events in the area to allow these new teams to meet and compete and have the social interaction that makes competition robotics exciting, challenging and interesting.
We are a 503(c) non profit corporation so we are able to give you a tax deductible donation receipt if needed. Contact us and we will get you a Federal-Express shipping form so you can then put your unneeded Vex parts in a box, seal it up and send it knowing that you’ve added new members to the world of robotics.
If you are a Vex mentor or teacher in the area and would like to help out we would love to have your assistance! And of course, come to our events to cheer on new members of the robot family.
Foster Schucker
We …
We believe …
We believe that …
We believe that Robots Rock
We believe that Robots Rock!