Multiple Speakers

Has anyone tried y-ing multiple speakers together? Does it work?
This could be a cool feature if you use the speakers for practical purposes.

Here is the official Question about it originally asked by @OverlyOptimisticProgramer.

I have only done preliminary tests (they both beep identically when the cortex is connecting, that is my only test) but I’m pretty sure that they will both play songs identically, if anyone can use some divine code to make the speakers play different songs… You could make some awesome music… Please try/share if you know divine code… By divine code I mean low level code… post any ideas of how to make it work…

A little bit off topic, but I bet someone could make a pretty sick DJ soundboard with a microcontroller and a bunch of speakers y cabled off every port. You’d probably run out of battery really quickly but YOLO right?

Back on topic, I’ll think through a few ideas on getting them to play different songs. The only problem is that they’ll receive the exact same information from the port since they’re y cabled.

Is this the awesome end goal, yes, but for now I can only fit about 10 seconds of music and “every port” is the one sp port… So we are going to need to fix some issues before we get there… With the y cable sending identical information to the speakers, the ime has a port in and out for the sensor cord so you can “combine” the inputs of the imes and the cortex reads each ime separately so we might be able to reverse engineer that to send unique info instead of recieve unique info… But I am not even sure that is how imes work… Side note, has anyone gotten more than a small music file downloaded on the cortex? My searches were unsuccessful… I will try to post a video of multiple speakers playing on Friday…

We have our robot say our team name when it starts up. It’s just a little quiet right now.

A synthetic voice saying 974x??
