My Autonomous Code Doesn't Work

So my teams code should work fine but anytime we use the code block turnRight 30mm it spins In circles Non-Stop and the only thing we found to work is turnRight Wait 2seconds StopDriving and that is not ideal. I would love to answer any questions to the best of my ability. Even my coach didn’t know how to fix it.

Could you post a picture of your code? Also are you using arcade, split arcade, or tank drive?

Try reversing the drivetrain direction,(or putting the gyro on the other end if you are using gen 1)

They are talking about autonomous, not driver.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe depending on which drive control you have selected it affects how your robot turns with basic drivetrain commands.

So you are right, there is a way to pick how you want to select the controls of the robot in driver control. But in this instance, Trirha is asking about his autonomous code as seen below.

If you are coding a driver control code, you would not use a TurnRight block, instead you would either use the devices panel, or use a set motor velocity to --------- block.