This is my Robot I made to complete my chalenge of going up the box and dumping the balls into the hole and here are some pictures the video is at the top
Man that thing is tiny! Awesome robot. The tank treads look so cool in such small lengths. I was amazed that the robot could go up the box that looked really steep. Nice job i can tell you put a lot of thought into the design.
also if you watch the close up video you can see that when the ball is under the rollers the robot is lifted up so you have all the weight of the robot (all 3 oz of it haha) wanting the ball to go into the holding area.
are all of the metal pieces vex. i notice that they have circular holes, i thought vex only made metal pieces with the square and diamond pattern.
For me it’s a good point, but sadly I would not be able to, it’s a little DESIGN thing. I must use bearings. It is kind of annoying sometimes, but I try to follow that “Do it right the first time” thing.
In 98% of the times where the roboteers are having problems with the gears that they are either not meshing correctly or they keep ‘popping’, it’s because they have not used a bearing.
I know it is like that for me too but i was just putting it out there as a possible solution. Since the holes aren’t square like vex they provide more support than a normal square hole would and I only use it in that type of set up when making linkage type mechanisms.