Non-Vex Pneumatics Video

Alright, I just finished making my video and its on youtube so here it is.

Its a large unit but I keep thinking that if you were going to build a robot with pneumatics this powerful you would probably want to have the air supply system separate. That way you could have a huge air supply so that you would not have to worry about the wimpy supply’s running out. I also have 1/8in hose barbs for this so I could get some very flexible 1/8in hosing from home depot and hook it up so that I could make a video with this on a robot.

I was thinking of making a robot that can jack itself up off the frame to add clearance, that would be awesome!!!

great job! i have to try this sometime!

I can’t wait till tomorrow, LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

Then I can work on this day and night until I get it just right!

Overall this system works like a dream, I can even run multiple cylinders off of one solenoid valve!

I will post plans with parts lists and assembly instructions soon.

aw man ive got 12 days left…have you tried i2c to control as many cylinders as you possibly want on two i/o pins

I cannot individually control each, the best I can do is add multiple cylinders to the same output port so they will all push when you switch the valve.

There are two output ports, 1 input port, and 2 exhaust ports.

Look here to get a better understanding of the valve.

Scroll down until you see the 5 port solenoid valve, it even has an animation.

I have heard about I2C but I have no idea how to use it yet.

I got this book at borders called “Making things talk” it explains how I can make my robots communicate with each other and how I can make robots talk to the computer and even servers on the web. That way I could distribute a command to my army of robots on a web server then they could access the net and receive the command and execute it!!! They talk about RS232 Serial TTL serial, and I2C in the book but I need to buy the parts from sparkfun in order to make it work.

An Excellent Tour of your Pneumatic System!!!

I would look for some 12 or 24 Volt Sealed Lead Acid batteries (like used for FRC) to power the Solenoid.

IIRC, the Vex Controller’s processors have I2C available. I am looking at how to get access to the I2C lines.

Making Things Talk” is a fantastic looking book!! I am going to buy it soon…

aw man i’ve got 6 days and 2 hours of school left!

anyway you could probably make that cylinder shoot keps nuts or something, with a loader on top and the cylinder extending partway and retracting very rapidly

trust the ages of 10-14 to come up with that… i was thinking the same thing :smiley:

I had thought about this and I did a few simple tests to conclude that it is a very ineffective way of shooting projectiles. If I wanted to shoot stuff I would remove the cylinder and use the solenoid valve to cycle a double barrel pneumatic gun.

As for the lead acid battery’s, I could use these but I would need to buy rechargeable’s off the internet. Each battery is cheap, about $10 but then I need a charger and so on. But it pays off in the long run. Its something I will think about.


i hate you ^ lol jk but ive still got 10/11/12 (i really forget) days left of school

3 1/2 days for me ^^

been out for bout 4 weeks.

got out june 5 didnt go to field day on last day

I missed that, I was at a Youth Legislature convention