I would like to use the right hand joystick for arcade style navigation. I would like to use the left hand joystick to control 2 motors of an arm and hand. Also I want to use the other buttons. How do I setup the left hand joystick for 2 axis arm movement?
Aloha Bob,
What programming language do you use? And could you clarify if you are asking about an old VEX transmitter or and old VEX IQ transmitter. Thank you.
Hi Bailey and thanks for the questions. At first it appeared to be a simple question but then… Anyway here are some pictures. Eventually I’d like to use the Raspberry Pi for Visual stuff. Right now I’ll keep the 2 operating systems separate. After I’m comfortable with each OS then I might try to interface the two systems. So which language do you recommend for the Vex?
Hi Bob. What you have is the transmitter for the VEX EDR line. It used the PIC micro-controller for it’s control (the silver box in the third picture) You can program it using RobotC, you want to download the PIC version found here (http://www.robotc.net/download/vex/) And you are in luck, Robomatter has made that version a free download. In RobotC the two joysticks present as 4 different channels (CH1…CH4) so you can program each one to do something on the robot. That version of RobotC only runs on Windows. You will need the programming cable to connect the micro-controller to the PC. Programming Hardware Kit - VEX Robotics
I still have a set (6 of them) that I use for demo robots. You want to get some ribbon and tie a bow at the tip of the transmitter antenna as a visual cue of where it is.
Post if you have more questions.
Thanks Foster! Big help. The grandkids want to play with it next weekend, so I’ve got some time. I’ll have to find a windows machine. THANKS AGAIN!
Aloha Bob,
I’m glad that Bob was able to help. Sorry to say that those controllers were a little before my time.
The Mrs. gave me the Vex programming cable(EDR) for Fathers’ Day. I have a MacBook Pro with Boot Camp. So I’m thinking maybe I could set up a Version of Windows on a partitioned drive using Boot Camp. Has any one done this before? Which version of Windows should I use? I think I have to install Windows on a flash drive first? Come to think of it I do have XP on a CD some place I could use with my Macs optical drive? Any suggestions?
XP should work, give that a shot. The biggest problem is the drivers working inside the Apple Ecosystem. I work with a number of schools that only have MacBooks. I mostly just bite the bullet and get them a $120 Lenovo, in the log run it saves on my blood pressure meds.
I’m having problems after the Vex system sat awhile and don’t know why it won’t work. Both battery packs are up to voltage. The 2 green lights on the left face are on. The left most green light is blinking really fast. I’ve tried setting it in 12 and 23 but still not responding. What am I doing wrong? How can I clear it to all default settings?
Hi Bob. you’ll have more luck over at www.vexforum.com which is the forum for the VEX EDR platform to which the old transmitters and PIC microcontrollers are an old relative. There will be plenty of folk over there who will have used that system back in the day.
These two documents may help
Not sure what you mean by the green lights are flashing can you say more?