one of my worst days ever

this is probably one of my worst days ever
i extremely hurt my ankle
i forgot my lunch and did not each breakfest
i had a migraine during music class (not the best class to have a migraine in)
i come home and UPS is charging me 80 dollars because they had to give some freakin documents to a customs officer or somthing like that
as i write this i just had to switch my keyboard because my pepsi exploded all over it
this day has completely sucked:mad: :mad: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

dang thats bad

(pats basicxman on back) there, there, we understand.

(especially the migraine in music class… it never fails)

OY VEY!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: