The left side of the robot isnt working, we know its not a problem with the motors and we think its an issue with the code. We used the lemlib library and we choose different ports too but the left side just continues to not work, like non of the motors are working the code is down below for the motors.
#include "lemlib/api.hpp"
// Define drivetrain motor groups
pros::MotorGroup left_motors({-1, 2, -3}, pros::MotorGearset::blue); // Left motors on ports 1, 2, 3 (600 RPM)
pros::MotorGroup right_motors({11, -12, 13}, pros::MotorGearset::blue); // Right motors on ports 11, 12, 13 (600 RPM)
// Drivetrain settings
lemlib::Drivetrain drivetrain(&left_motors, // Left motor group
&right_motors, // Right motor group
15, // Wheelbase (distance between front and back wheels)
lemlib::Omniwheel::NEW_275, // Wheel type
600, // Drivetrain RPM
2); // Horizontal drift (calibrated value)
does anyone know why there might be issue?
thank you so much