Only two Double Acting Solenoid in the kit?

There are only two Double Acting Solenoid in the new pneumatic kit but there are three Stroke Pneumatic Cylinder. So how to connect the third one? Any solution? Thanks.


You don’t. You just have options over which 2 you do use.


Ideally, VEX will sell components individually, and/or continue to allow the previous SME components to be used. Here are a couple thoughts:

  • The air cylinders are of three different strokes, to provide some variety (a good idea)…pick the 2 of the three that will do the job.

  • Most teams will want two air tanks…so until you can purchase separately (or you have old SME tanks) you’ll need another pneumatics kit…so now you’ll have four solenoids (and six air cylinders–2 of each size).

  • If you need to run two air cylinders at the same time, just use T-fittings in the air lines between the solenoid and the air cylinders.


Thanks. What if the driver cable is broken, where can I get a new one? If you can give me an exact number of SMC part for that, I would be very appreciate.

This is a custom VEX part…no other source avaliable.


Does anyone know where you can get more driver cables? We can still buy solenoids and other pneumatic stuff individually but Vex has done a pretty good job of making their dumb 300$ kit the only way to get drive cables.

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driver cables for legacy pneumatics are at the bottom of this page, unfortunately out of stock.

I don’t think those are compatible with the solenoids in the new kits.


The double solenoid in the new kit is actually made of two single action solenoids encased in a very heavy (why? why?) metal block. The new custom cable is actually a single 5V data cable split in such way that the signal is reversed on one. So when you send a logic 1, one solenoid will fire and when you send a logic 0, the other solenoid fires, that’s how they get the double action. If you use two of the old cables (currently pure gold as you’re not allowed to make your own, they are sold out and will be discontinued soon as well - also don’t try the SMC ones as they are 3.3V, VEX brain needs 5V signals) you can use each half of the new solenoid block as individual single action solenoids. Since most teams use rubber bands for return anyway in order to preserve air, you can use one new solenoid block with 2 tri-ports and 2 air cylinders. Not sure if competition legal or not (it’s up to the GDC/Q&A/VEX to crush my “innovation” as selling those $300 kits is understandably more profitable) but you’re not technically modifying any components so it should be OK. Tested, works.