Somebody posted a couple weeks ago about some open source programming options through sdcc (small device C compiler) based on Unix. Myself and a much more knowledgeable friend tried to use his software and ran into a ton of problems trying to get it to run on Mac. LONG story short, we had yet another friend rewrite some of the code, we then put it on Ubuntu as a virtual machine through VMware so we could just run it off a windows machine.
Bottom line
You write the C code in the terminal window with some given commands from a library specific to the vex controller. You then type in a command to compile it then upload it to the vex controller.
If anyone is interested in using this them self, i will gladly put it on my friends site with way more details and all the proper links to get everything you need.
This could be really handy to anyone who is fluent in C or is willing to learn to have programming on more computers than the have bought software for.
I am interested… Please post the results of your “porting experience” and post them either here in the VEX Code Section, or/and at your “friends site”, with a Hyper-Link to it.
Every little bit help will ultimately benefit everyone.